Sunday, June 21, 2020


The Greatest Hero
This world has many heroes, some you know by name.
They give their best at what they do, so they deserve their fame.
But among all the heroes, this world has ever had,
There is not one admired more, than the guy that I call Dad.
Perhaps he's not like others, he doesn't look for praise.
He's heroic in his special way, in his thoughtful, caring ways.
Perhaps he's not as famous, as the others that you see,
But he's everything, and so much more, than heroes ought to be.
He keeps his word, it's as good as gold, on this you can depend.
He's honest and he's loyal too, he's also a true friend.
When I hear about a hero, and the great things he has done,
It reminds me of my Father, and he's the greatest one!

Dear Dad I love you so much!
You are the best father in the whole world♥
Thank you for being so strong in the Lord, and for teaching us to love and serve Jesus!
Happy Fathers Day!



  1. Sweet Gabrielle,
    You are blessed to have such a faithful and good daddy. I know he loves you and is very proud of you too.

    Hugs from Mrs. Cox

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment Mrs Cox...they are always so encouraging!
    I hope you have a blessed week♥


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Blessings, Gabrielle