Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A Dozen Small But Sure Happinesses

Hello again!  Thank you for stopping by♥

My sister Kelly wrote a beautiful guest post at Ponderings from the Inglenook about a dozen small but sure happinesses, and she suggested that I do one too.
I thought that a wonderful idea and so here they are!

♥ Snuggling up in bed on a cold and rainy day and 'losing' myself in a good book!

♥ Going window shopping!

♥ Visiting with my friends over a cup of tea or cocoa!

♥ Dressing up and having tea parties with friends and family!

♥ Browsing through secondhand book stores...{whenever I get the chance to do this I usually come     home bankrupt, smiles}

♥ Going to bed when the wind is howling and raindrops pitter-pattering on my window!

♥ Dancing to beautiful soundtracks!

♥ Cooking and creating in the kitchen {I love mixing bits of this and that in a pot and watching it
    become a meal my family will enjoy!}

♥  Watching a good movie with my older sisters and Mom and Dad!

♥ Taking pictures of... well, everything really {smiles}

♥ Gardening with my sister, Kelly!

♥ Trying new teas! 

You can find happiness in everything you do, if you choose to!
Thank you for joining me today... have a lovely week further♥

~ Blessings ~


  1. ohh I love sleeping during rainstorms --- it feels so cozy! I loved reading this && getting to know a little more about you!! <3

    1. Hello Victoria! Thank you so much for following me and commenting♥️
      Enjoy your week further!
      Blessings~ Gabrielle♥️

  2. Wow all those things sounds very very lovely,ans is so true that you can find happiness in every thing you do!
    Love the blog. ❤️
    Plus beautiful pictures!

    1. Hello 'unknown' thank you so much for such a sweet comment... I really appreciate it♥️
      Blessings~ Gabrielle♥️

  3. Such a lovely list of small happinesses, Gabrielle. ♥️ Visiting old bookstores...oh yes! And snuggling into bed at the end of a long day, rain pattering on the roof and splashing against the window...ahh, pure bliss.
    Your photographs are so beautiful...roses are my favourite!
    Love you, sweet sister.

  4. Hello sweet sister, thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I love you lots!
    Blessings~ Gabrielle

  5. What a beautiful blog you have here, Gabrielle!

    Like you, I also enjoy going to sleep to the sound of rain on the window or roof, and visiting secondhand bookstores (though I try not to buy many books anymore), and trying new flavors of tea.

    Yellow roses are my favorite, and the photo you have shared is simply beautiful!

    1. Hello Mrs T thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment!♥️
      Blessings~ Gabrielle

  6. Hello, Gabrielle and Happy Birthday! I have been a blog friend of your big sis, Kelly-Anne for several years and have seen so many photos of you (and your sisters and little brother) over the years. How exciting it is that you have your own blog now...and a beautiful one it is! Your photos of the roses are spectacular. I am now your newest follower and I wish you many blessing!

    1. Hello Debby! Thank you SO much for following me and commenting!
      I am really excited to be part of 'The Blogging World!'
      Have a beautiful week further♥️
      Blessings~ Gabrielle♥️

  7. Hello, dear Gabrielle!

    It is such a delight to visit your blog. I've enjoyed getting to know your family through your sweet sister's blog over the past several years, and it has become a dear place for me. She is such a sweet friend of mine and I am now excited to be able to read your lovely words as well.

    Your list is quite beautiful and oh, how I share many, if not all, of your little happinesses. Thank you for sharing such a cheerful post!

    Wishing you a lovely day and happy blogging! ♥
    ~Libby (from Ponderings from the Inglenook)

    1. Hello Elizabeth... thank you so much for leaving me such a beautiful comment, I had such fun creating this post! Your blog is beautiful♥️
      Have a super special day♥️♥️
      Blessings~ Gabrielle♥️

    2. And thank you so very much for following me!!♥️

  8. Hi Gabrielle'
    I love your post. Visiting and talking to family and friends,reading a good book,the beautiful flowers of Spring,the roses of Summer,the beautiful Autumn with all of it's beautiful colors,the cold air of Winter,birds singing and butterflies prancing in the air and my favorite music are some of my favorite things.

    1. Hello Marion, thank you for stopping by and saying hello!
      Your list is beautiful!♥️
      Blessings~ Gabrielle♥️

  9. Hello Gabrielle, and Happy Birthday! I popped over from your sister's blog to say hello and welcome to the blogging world. Your blog is lovely and encouraging.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hello Toni!Thank you so much for following me!
      Your comment is very much appreciated!♥️
      Blessings~ Gabrielle♥️


  10. Congratulations Gabrielle on your blog. It is lovely. I love to spend time with my two sisters. One is older and the other is my twin[Marion]. I love to read ,all kinds of books except science fiction and gory thrillers. I am a tea drinker I do not like coffee. Autumn is my favorite season with all the beautiful colors and the crisp,cool air. I like to knit and I am hoping to learn to sew. I do enjoy drawing,too. I am teaching myself Latin and Sign language. Wishing you success with the blog. Enjoy your teen years. God Bless.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Marilyn!
      It looks like we enjoy the same things♥️
      That is amazing that you are learning Latin and Sign Language!
      Have a beautiful day♥️
      Blessings~ Gabrielle


Thank you for stopping by, I hope that you enjoyed your 'visit,' and that you will come again♡
I love hearing from all of my sweet readers so please, feel free to leave me a comment♥
Blessings, Gabrielle