Friday, May 8, 2020

B- For Blueberry Muffins...♥

Hello! Happy Month Of May!
Over the past few weeks Caleb has been learning to spell his name, and today was the last letter...B!
What better way to ensure he will remember the letter than to bake some scrummy blueberry muffins?
The recipe shall be following shortly, but for now here are some pictures of our two, cute little bakers, Sofia and Caleb...♥️

All the ingredients were prepared by me for my Mom...

Their 'children' wanted to bake too...{smiles}

Yummy yummy...

Looks good...lets hope they taste better!


What a gift to be homeschooled!

Blessings~ Gabrielle♥


  1. Ahh, these are just the sweetest pictures, Gabrielle. ♥
    How blessed we are to have such wonderful little bakers in the family! {{smiles}}
    Love you!

    1. Aww thank you for stopping by sweet sister, your comment made me so happy♥ We are truly blessed to have so many cooks and bakers!!
      Love you lots!
      Blessings~ Gabrielle


Thank you for stopping by, I hope that you enjoyed your 'visit,' and that you will come again♡
I love hearing from all of my sweet readers so please, feel free to leave me a comment♥
Blessings, Gabrielle