Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A Birthday For Bekah!

Happy June everybody! 
My apologies for not posting anything for a little has been very busy for us lately!
On the 3rd of June a certain little Gray girl celebrated her 11th birthday with a woodland themed party!  Everything was simple but special, and we made lots of memories whilst going on the scavenger hunt and eating the delicious food prepared!
Please join me as I share some photos of the little lady and wish her a happy birthday♥

Eagerly awaiting the scavenger hunt to begin...

We each got a brown paper packet with a list of items we needed to find in order to win our lunch.. I was horrified to see that a bug was on the list!


Caleb happily munching his 'trail mix' that came in the bag...

Found everything on the list, except a feather...yes I even got a bug!

Lunch time!

And cake time!

Photo credit for the above photo ~Kelly~Anne

I am wishing you a birthday
You never will forget,
A day packed full of pleasure,
Your very best birthday yet.

And when your birthday's over,
I'm wishing quite sincerely,
That happiness and joy and fun,
Will fill your birthdays yearly!
Joanna Fuchs

Happy Birthday dear Rebekah....I hope you have a lovely year, and many more to come!



  1. A lovely post, sweet girl! ♥ You captured some beautiful pictures too! So glad I could join you all for the lunch part of the forest outing... And it was so funny when you found the bug! {{smiles}}

    1. Thank you for your comment Kelly!
      And thank you for letting me use your camera...I am truly blessed ♥

  2. What a delightful post, Gabrielle! Rebekah's party looks like such a fun time! And the scavenger hunt was such a neat idea! Did you all make the lunch boxes? They are the cutest!

    I know you all must have had such a lovely time...and these are such beautiful pictures, too! Well done!

    Love and blessings to you ♥ Hope you have a beautiful day!

    1. Hello Elizabeth! Thank you for stopping by...we had lots of fun!
      The night before my Mom, older sisters and I sat up getting everything ready, I think that is the best part♥♥
      Enjoy the rest of your day!

  3. Oh how fun!! It looks like a perfect day for all of you. Happy birthday to Bekah...and hugs from Mrs Cox


Thank you for stopping by, I hope that you enjoyed your 'visit,' and that you will come again♡
I love hearing from all of my sweet readers so please, feel free to leave me a comment♥
Blessings, Gabrielle