Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Beautiful Gift From Up Above~

~Every good and perfect gift is from above~
James 1:17


  1. My Gabrielle .. a winter wonderland but oh dear .. far too cold for my old bones. Hope you all built a snowman 🤭. Keep that hot water bottle filled. Lots of love

  2. Ah, so good to see you again!! Hopefully you are all well and I hope to see your sister's blog also soon!
    Beautiful photo!
    Warm greetings from the Netherlands!

  3. Hello Lieneke!
    Was lovely to hear from you again♥
    Thank you for the warm greetings...we need all the warmth we can get {{smiles}}


Thank you for stopping by, I hope that you enjoyed your 'visit,' and that you will come again♡
I love hearing from all of my sweet readers so please, feel free to leave me a comment♥
Blessings, Gabrielle